Posted By: Andy Saunders November 1, 2022
Warning: This page contains spoilers for the November 1, 2022 game of Jeopardy! — please do not scroll down if you wish to avoid being spoiled. Please note that the game airs as early as noon Eastern in some U.S. television markets.
Here’s today’s Final Jeopardy (in the category Poets) for Tuesday, November 1, 2022 (Season 39, Game 37):
(correct response beneath the contestants)
Well, at least one of my predictions from my Tournament of Champions preview will not be coming true today: Jonathan Fisher will not be the first super-champion to lose in this tournament. Maureen O’Neil pulled off a big upset in yesterday’s first quarterfinal, knocking off Ryan Long. Today’s game will be interesting, with Jonathan Fisher, Andrew He, and Christine Whelchel taking part.
J!6 is showing a PLAYS & PLAYWRIGHTS category in the opening round and a HE DIRECTED THAT? category in Double. Both of those should play to Jonathan’s strengths—he was incredibly strong in both theatre and movie categories in his opening run. However, Andrew was a strong enough player overall to nearly keep Amy Schneider from becoming a 1-game champion, let alone a 40-game champion. I’m expecting this to be a very close game, and Christine might be able to pick up a victory if both Jonathan and Andrew falter. I also hope our contestants are ready for wordplay today: On the heels of the “only vowels” world parliaments category in yesterday’s game—a category that I didn’t think was unfair, only a category that didn’t hit the strengths of yesterday’s players—it looks like we’re going to see a “Vowelless Hawaiian” category in today’s Jeopardy! round (at least, I assume I’ve interpreted the J!6 categories properly!)
PSA: The best way to keep COVID-19 at bay (and keep Jeopardy! producing new episodes) is for everybody to get their vaccinations as soon as they can, including any boosters as recommended. When wearing a mask, please ensure that your mask covers both your nose and your mouth.
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You can find game-by-game stats here at The Jeopardy! Fan of all 15 players, including Matt Amodio, Jonathan Fisher, Amy Schneider, Mattea Roach, Ryan Long, and Cris Pannullo that have won 10 or more games on Jeopardy!!
(The following write-up is original content and is copyright 2022 The Jeopardy! Fan. It may not be copied without linked attribution back to this page.)
Famed American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was the grandson of noted American Revolutionary War officer Peleg Wadsworth (who served in the US House of Representatives after the War). Inspired by the Revolutionary War, Longfellow wrote “The Battle of Lovell’s Pond” in 1820; the poem is still available from the Maine Historical Society.
While this clue does seem generally straightforward, this is also the sort of good Tournament of Champions-level Final Jeopardy! clue that requires more than just cursory knowledge of 19th-century American poetry. One must know that Longfellow is associated with Portland (as opposed to both Poe and Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., who were also born in the Northeast at about the same time and were also not associated with Portland).
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(Categories: European Happenings; Slogans & Mottoes; Crocodile Pop; Catch-2022; Plays & Playwrights; Vwllss Hwn)
Things started off much better than yesterday’s game, with both Jonathan and Andrew trading correct responses. However, it was Christine who found the Daily Double, keeping it out of the hands of the others. Jonathan had a slim lead after 30.
Andrew 7 correct 0 incorrect Jonathan 6 correct 1 incorrect Christine 1 correct 2 incorrect
Jonathan 13 correct 1 incorrect Andrew 13 correct 0 incorrect Christine 2 correct 2 incorrect
(Categories: Art & Artists; Crossword Clues “Q”; He Directed That?; Bridge; I Bid; 5 Hearts)
The good news for Andrew: he found both Daily Doubles. The bad news for Andrew: he got the second one wrong after betting $10,000. Amazingly, he didn’t let it faze him—he clawed back and was within two-thirds going into Final Jeopardy!, with scores going into Final at Jonathan at $19,800, Andrew at $13,800, and Christine at $2,200.
Jonathan 25 correct 2 incorrect Andrew 23 correct 1 incorrect Christine 5 correct 2 incorrect Total number of unplayed clues this season: 8 (0 today).
Final Jeopardy! was a Triple Stumper, so it came down to the wagering! Jonathan made the cover bet, and it cost him when Andrew bet small—it’s Andrew who is going to be a semifinalist today!
Looking to find out who won Jeopardy! today? Here’s the Tuesday, November 1, 2022 Jeopardy! by the numbers:
Christine $2,200 – $0 = $2,200 ($5,000) (Who is Whitman?) Andrew $13,800 – $1,799 = $12,001 (Who is Holmes?) (Semi-Finalist) Jonathan $19,800 – $7,801 = $11,999 ($5,000) (Who is Thoreau?)
1) EUROPEAN HAPPENINGS $400 (clue #12) Christine -400 -1000 (Jonathan 3400 Andrew 5000) 2) 5 HEARTS $2000 (clue #10) Andrew 12000 +5000 (Jonathan 14600 Christine -200) 3) I BID $800 (clue #14, $16400 left on board) Andrew 18600 -10000 (Jonathan 14600 Christine -200) Overall Daily Double Efficiency for this game: -112
J! Round: None! DJ! Round: None! Total Left On Board: $0 Number of clues left unrevealed this season: 8 (0.22 per episode average), 0 Daily Doubles
Andrew $20,800 Coryat, 23 correct, 1 incorrect, 36.84% in first on buzzer (21/57), 1/1 on rebound attempts (on 3 rebound opportunities) Jonathan $19,800 Coryat, 25 correct, 2 incorrect, 47.37% in first on buzzer (27/57), 0/0 on rebound attempts (on 1 rebound opportunity) Christine $3,200 Coryat, 5 correct, 2 incorrect, 8.77% in first on buzzer (5/57), 1/1 on rebound attempts (on 2 rebound opportunities) Combined Coryat Score: $43,800 Lach Trash: $6,200 (on 5 Triple Stumpers) Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): $4,000
331 correct, 41 incorrect 12/14 on rebound attempts (on 46 rebound opportunities) 44.31% in first on buzzer (327/738) 12/18 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $12,400) 8/13 in Final Jeopardy Average Coryat: $20,138
182 correct, 21 incorrect 12/13 on rebound attempts (on 26 rebound opportunities) 42.61% in first on buzzer (170/399) 8/13 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $32,800) 3/7 in Final Jeopardy Average Coryat: $21,429
119 correct, 18 incorrect 9/10 on rebound attempts (on 31 rebound opportunities) 32.65% in first on buzzer (111/340) 3/10 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: -$9,500) 4/6 in Final Jeopardy Average Coryat: $13,267
Amy Schneider: 18.511% Matt Amodio: 28.604% Mattea Roach: 10.949% Maureen O’Neil: 0.695% Andrew He: 14.946% Brian Chang: 1.040% Tyler Rhode: 1.072% Margaret Shelton: 1.470% Courtney Shah: 0.358% Rowan Ward: 4.728% John Focht: 2.733% Eric Ahasic: 6.626% Jaskaran Singh: 1.626% Jackie Kelly: 2.897% Zach Newkirk: 1.049% Jessica Stephens: 0.442% Sam Buttrey: 2.254%
Christine has returned to school for a music degree. Andrew hosted a “Newlywed Game” at a friend’s wedding. Jonathan now has the sarcastic “Jeopardy! Champion Jonathan Fisher” as a nickname.
Jonathan: Standard cover bet today is $7,801. (If you have a perfect read on Andrew, though, are convinced he’s going to bet small, and you dislike the category, a bet between $0 and $4,198 would work here—but it is immensely risky and, as I said, I think that it would require a perfect read on Andrew in order to attempt.) (Actual bet: $7,801)
Andrew: If Jonathan makes the cover bet, he falls to $11,999. You should limit your bet to $1,799. (Actual bet: $1,799)
Christine: Honestly, bet whatever you like. (Actual bet: $0)
Contestant photo credit:
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My head went right to Thoreau, and I couldn’t get it to go anywhere, else – I guess my brain sees pond and poet, and he’s who it makes a beeline, too.
I agree. I went to Thoreau as well. It was also a pond connection.
Challenging one, couple ways you could have gone. Emerson was another, though he isn’t renowned chiefly as a poet (despite the quality of his verse).
The whole time, I was thinking “1820? Portland (OR) didn’t exist then!?”?♂️?
There was a final jeopardy clue not too long ago that was Portland – having to do with two different cities of same name.
The Archive shows a Jeopardy! round clue like that during Mattea’s run. I think I got that one wrong too?
Very similar for me. I immediately thought of Thoreau, and then Portland, and I couldn’t get Oregon out of my mind, even knowing that Portland OR did not yet exist. Never did make the connection to Longfellow.
Smart final jeopardy bet by Mr. He. I’m glad he pulled it off as he’s an all around good guy.
I was also going for thoreau but when I saw the portland oregon clue, my guts pointed me to longfellow. But still a good final jeopardy bet by Andrew today. Glad he pulled off a victory here.
Maine, my good man, not Oregon.
What does longfellow have to do with oregon?
shhh….never question Lou’s guts.
Unlike yesterday’s game, it looks like I’m gonna have a lot of fun watching this once it airs for me!
I’m happy that Andrew, our local guy here is the SF Bay area won today’s game. But this game was decided by $2!!!
Smart wagering will always result in a winner with only a dollar or 2 cushion. No need to bet more than is required for a potential win
It’s interesting that Andrew is now third in Andy’s ranking to win the gold, and is ahead of Mattea.
This win by Andrew now sets him even in games with Mattea to win the tournament. Let’s not forget that Andrew won 5 games and was leading Amy going into Final Jeopardy. The simulator comes out rating him as more likely to win.
Just wait until Mattea plays her game. I can’t wait…
I was disappointed to see Andrew He and Jonathan Fisher in the same group. A superchamp who beat Matt and a 5 day champ who lead Amy going into final.
My sentiments exactly, Jim. I was hoping to see both Andrew and Jonathan in the next round. Pitting them against each other in the first round deprives us of one of the better players. Your assessment of “a superchamp who beat Matt and a 5 day champ who led Amy going into final” is spot on. (By the way, “led” is the past tense of “lead” while the other meaning and pronunciation of “lead” is a metal. No offense, that’s just a pet peeve of mine.) Congratulations to Andrew though. At least, we were guaranteed one of them.
For me, today’s final boiled down to nothing more than, “Who wrote ‘Battle of Lovell’s Pond’?” The response, of course, being Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I just happened to know that, so all the other parts of the clue were not needed.
to avoid scandal, the J! team swore everyone present to secrecy about the fact that there was a gunfight backstage prior to the Andrew/Amy game. And much like Teddy Roosevelt and the Natural Roy Hobbs, Amy actually pulled off that win and subsequent run with a piece of LEAD embedded in their body. [disclaimer: the previous is a pound of pure poppycock penned for humorous purposes]
In the book ‘The Natural’, Roy Hobbs strikes out – not exactly a Hollywood ending. Boy was I surprised when I saw the movie.
I could never figure out why hitting the ball into one light would cause lights in completely separate light towers to also burst and rain down sparks.
Now THIS was a great game. Feel bad for Jonathan as it felt like he was marginally the best player and got a rough draw, but Andrew will be a factor moving forward for sure.
If you have two players who are about as strong on the material and the buzzer, it really comes down to the wagering clues.
I was surprised that this was a triple stunner. I immediately went to poets that wrote about the revolutionary war…. Listen my children and you shall hear… and poof… Longfellow. I associate Whitman with the Civil War and Thoreau was a one not fraud. Emerson, the Concord Hymn poet was also a potentially good bet..
I agree with pretty much everything you wrote, David, but have one question. What does “Thoreau was a one not fraud” mean?
I read his comment as “one nut fraud” and was like, “You got a lot of balls to post that here.” But now I think he meant “one note” – why it makes someone a fraud to have done the one thing they truly excelled at back in that day is beyond me. Back then, people were disappointed if an author tried experimenting with something different. Very different than nowadays.
I think most people probably have an easier time looking at the consonants and filling in the vowels (as was the case in today’s category) as opposed to looking at the vowels and filling in the consonants (yesterday’s). Personally, I’m also more familiar with common Hawaiian words than I am with international legislative bodies.
sidenote: I wonder if they would consider ‘Y’ to be a vowel for the purpose of these categories if it was used in a vowel-like manner in the word. Or perhaps they purposefully avoided any such words (of course, the Hawaiian alphabet does not use Y anyway, so it wouldn’t have been an issue today)
In the past, they have recognized “Y” as a vowel. I forget the actual wording of the clue, but they wanted a nine-letter word that ended in a vowel referring to a speech given by an actor in a play. The intended answer was “monologue” but the contestant answered “soliloquy” and it was accepted.
Someone help me please. When you look at the groupings going into the next round, are the first 2 winners playing against Amy? There are no lines drawn in like in a traditional bracket. Do all these 6 winners get slotted randomly? Is there a re-seeding like in the NHL? Just wondering. I concur that today’s game was awesome and it did seem like a bit of a weird pairing with two of the best playing together in this group of 18 amazing players.
From what I see, it is not random and they place the players in what matchups will generate the most interest or get the demographic they want. They try to avoid players facing their regular game opponent again inless it is the finals. In the battle of the decades tournament after the quarterfinals they had Ken Jennings, Brad Rutter and Roger Craig as the three highest scores in the quarterfinals and game winners. These players also had the highest reputations and acompishments. Only fair to have them as one, two and three and not play against each other in the semi-finals. However in the semi, they put two wildcard players (Colby Burnett and Pam Mueller) with the lowest scores against Roger Craig. Roger Craig as the third seed should have faced at least one other quarterfinal winner and Colby and Pam should have had to face the First and Second seeds respectively.
I don’t think we can use past precedent as guidance here under Michael Davies; after all, the quarterfinals were paired in a very orderly fashion (as I pointed out in my preview).
I wouldn’t be surprised if the semifinals were also paired in some sort of orderly fashion.
That would be an improvement from past tournaments to reduce bias.
I guess it doesn’t matter too much when the winner isn’t taking the cash home, but what a huge disparity in difficultly level between the two days.
Very nice win for Andrew given the two full categories in Jonathan’s wheelhouse.
Also, I don’t recall Andrew taking so long to answer questions in the past. I was surprised he was not buzzed out a few times. It seemed like he did it on purpose as some kind of ‘strategy’. I wonder is there a timer light or something that goes off once a person’s name has been announced to answer the question. This is certainly no the case with Rowan!
you mean the light bar on the contestant podium that counts down the time for them to give their response?
Andy will correct this if I’m wrong, but I believe the “count down” lights on front of each contestant’s stage position are just a visual clue for the time contestant has to give a response. The official time is kept at the “judges” (Producer’s) table. If a response is ruled wrong, then that contestant’s time for that clue is over. Otherwise they have until the “sounder” rings.
Andrew has redeemed himself after blanking on the “Ides of March” DD! I’m so happy for him!
Lovell’s Pond, Walden Pond, Thoreau — I fell for it, too. He was born 1817, so that wouldn’t have worked. One Triple Stumper and two Daily Doubles for me . . .
That duel between Jonathan and Andrew was every bit as epic as I thought it’d be, particularly that tense FJ. That’s what I subscribed to for this ToC!
I went with Longfellow because that felt right, and lo and behold. Don’t know what specifically prompted me in that direction – a subconscious association of some kind with Maine and the Revolution, probably – but this is why you go with your gut.
I noticed that in double Jeopardy (and, in triple jeopardy presumably during celebrity Jeopardy) Ken, or,Mayim, will not rule on a response that is correct, but incomplete-not in the form of a question while their time has not run out, giving the contestant a chance to make their response complete. During a Celebrity Jeopardy I heard Mayim comment that during Double Jeopardy (Triple Jeopardy ?) contestants will not be (audibly) reminded to phrase their reponses in the form of a question. Responses needing to be inthe form of a question is a basic jeopardy rule. but is this not (audibly) reminding contestants after the Jeopardy round a rule, or, just a game proceedure, like prefering contestants to state amount AND category when asking for the next clue.
It is a rule that contestants are to be reminded in the first round but not in any subsequent rounds, yes.
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Cris Pannullo, career statistics: 332 correct, 25 incorrect 22/23 on rebound attempts (on 52 rebound opportunities) 47.51% in first on buzzer (296/623) 24/27 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $77,700) 7/11 in Final Jeopardy Average Coryat: $25,927
To win: 12 games: 91.246% 13: 83.258% 14: 75.969% 15: 69.319% 16: 63.250% Avg. streak: 21.423 games. (Click Here for Methodology)
All Time Jeopardy! Winnings, Regular Play Only: 1. Ken Jennings $2,520,700 2. James Holzhauer $2,462,216 3. Matt Amodio $1,518,601 4. Amy Schneider $1,382,800 5. Mattea Roach $560,983 6. Jason Zuffranieri $532,496 7. David Madden $430,400 8. Julia Collins $428,100 9. Matt Jackson $411,612 10. Austin Rogers $411,000 11. Cris Pannullo $356,702 12. Ryan Long $299,400 13. Arthur Chu $297,200 14. Seth Wilson $265,002 15. Jonathan Fisher $246,100 16. Tom Nissley $235,405 17. Roger Craig $230,200 18. Jennifer Quail $228,800 19. Larissa Kelly $222,597 20. Jason Keller $213,900
All Time Jeopardy! Winnings, Including Tournaments: 1. Brad Rutter $4,953,436 2. Ken Jennings $4,370,700 3. James Holzhauer $2,962,216 4. Matt Amodio $1,518,601 5. Amy Schneider $1,382,800 6. David Madden $773,733 7. Larissa Kelly $660,930 8. Matt Jackson $611,612 9. Mattea Roach $560,983 10. Roger Craig $555,200 11. Jason Zuffranieri $542,496 12. Jerome Vered $499,102 13. Julia Collins $494,767 14. Austin Rogers $486,000 15. Ben Ingram $443,201 16. Buzzy Cohen $439,603 17. Dan Pawson $430,902 18. Alex Jacob $424,802 19. Colby Burnett $408,333 20. Sam Kavanaugh $406,202 21. Arthur Chu $397,200 22. Cris Pannullo $356,702 23. Russ Schumacher $344,800 24. Mark Dawson $343,849 25. Tom Nissley $340,405
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