REVIEW – Mosquitos, gnats, biting flies, and more are incredibly annoying and when it comes to mosquitos, they can be a real threat to our health. Is there a way to enjoy time outdoors without drenching yourself in bug repellent? That’s where the Mozzie Style Mosquito Net Jacket comes in. Let’s put it on, zip it up, and head outdoors to give it a test drive.
The Mozzie Style Mosquito Net Jacket is a lightweight zippered hoodie that is made of very fine-grade mesh that prevents bugs from getting to your skin.
The Mozzie Style Mosquito Net Jacket is a unisex style zippered jacket that features a zippered front with cute decorative strips on either side of the nylon zipper.
The jacket is available in white or black and in sizes from XS up to XXL. The jacket has knitted cuffs, a knitted waistband, a drawstring hood, and front pockets.
Here’s a close-up of the fine mesh material that the jacket is made of (98% recycled polyester and 2% cotton/polyester). The weave works great for keeping mosquitos from getting to your skin without the jacket itself being bulky.
Here is the effectiveness of the Mozzie Style Mosquito Net Jacket for a variety of insects. Their Web site says the white version of the jacket is more effective than the black one because mosquitos are less attracted to the color white.
As mentioned, the Mozzie Style Mosquito Net Jacket is a unisex jacket and I got one in size XS. For reference, I am 5’6″ and weigh 125 lbs. I think that the XS is pretty baggy on me, but you don’t want this jacket to be skin tight so I guess it’s fine since it’s not supposed to be a fashion statement ?
The jacket is very thin (see-through) and very lightweight, it’s almost like wearing nothing. The mesh material has a very very slight scratchiness to it but it’s so slight that it’s barely noticeable.
I wanted to test the Mozzie Style Mosquito Net Jacket because I’m a magnet for bugs. Especially bugs that bite and sting. Even gnats bite me and leave itchy welts. When we go to Sanibel Island, I end up looking like I have a case of chicken pox due to the noseeums biting me while I’m on the beach. It’s annoying and uncomfortable to have multiple bits that itch like crazy.
Since I don’t have a trip to Sanibel Island, Florida planned until October, I decided to test the Mozzie Style Mosquito Net Jacket in my yard and garden which are infested with gnats and mosquitos in the warmer months like we’re having right now.
The Mozzie Style Mosquito Net Jacket’s hood protects your neck, but not your face. Mozzie Style does sell a mosquito net hat for $17.99 and you can even buy a pair of pants for $24.99 if you want head-to-toe insect avoidance coverage. I already had a hat, so I was protected.
Whenever Jeanne wants me to help her in the garden, I wear pants, a long sleeve shirt, and a jungle hat with a mesh veil around my face so I don’t get eaten alive. Wearing a long sleeve shirt outside when it’s 90 degrees or higher is not comfortable. Aren’t I a sight to behold?
I spent hours in the garden wearing the Mozzie Style Mosquito Net Jacket and didn’t have even one bug bite! To say I’m happy is an understatement! I will definitely be taking this jacket with me to Sanibel this fall. Take that noseeums!
Bugs love me. If there’s a biting bug, it will find me and it will bite me. It makes enjoying my 12 acres of woods in the summer hard to do. But now with the Mozzie Style Mosquito Net Jacket, I’ve found the secret “cure” to my problems. I love this jacket. It’s lightweight, doesn’t cost an arm and a leg and it keeps the bugs from biting me. If bugs also like you, but you don’t like them, definitely check out Mozzie Style’s gear.
Price: $36.99 Where to buy: Mozzie Style Source: The sample for this review was provided by Mozzie Style.
Interesting. I see that they have a Kickstarter opening June 28, 2022 for “fashion” styles (robe, skirt, etc.) so I’m going to wait for that to see if they offer any of their current styles at a discount as a perk.
It’s Explorer Julie! I have to show this to my wife, who like you, is a mosquito magnet.
I’m really impressed with the jacket so far.
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