Care too talk about the other attractions that are breaking down??!! Splash Mountain isn’t the problem. Disney leadership is. #SaveSplashMountain
Cannot wait to have the changes take place. Maybe the lines will be smaller because all the Conservative Christians that are upset with the rebranding will skip this ride. Let’s make all rides tied to either Black, Latino, Hebrew, or Asian representation so I won’t have to purchase the lightning lane to enjoy the rides.
There will not be any changes. Disney is lying. I look forward to enjoying Splash Mountain in 2046 for WDW’s 75th anniversary after Disney has been de-wokeified, been made great again, and being woke will constitute treason. And when I get my hands on Disney in a hostile takeover, I will cater to the only guests who matter: the purists and traditionalists. The only thing that matters is “What would Walt do?” representation, shcmepesentation. Nobody deserves representation and Disney under my rule will practice discrimination against anyone woke. Anyone woke will not be allowed in the parks.
Not riding Woke Mountain. News flash…..Reconstruction happened. Black princesses from New Orleans did not
How embarrassing for them! Nobody qualified to repair or just don’t care to since it’s being “awakened” to a new theme anyway. People will pay top dollar even if things are in disrepair. Whatever saves Disney money, right?
It’s time to shut the whole place down and fix the problems they could have worked on things during COVID shut down when there was nobody in the parks.
In light of the re-theming, I fail to see how this article is relevant.
Splash Mountain is my all-time favorite ride. Find myself singing Zip pe di do dah the same as I sing It’s a Small World when I exit that attraction. Don’t understand what all the fuss is about.
Of course Disney is making it decay.
I’m here right now, and have ridden the ride 3-4 times this trip. Firstly, I think it’s a shame that this ride is being replaced. I grew up loving the ride and having so much fun on it. To see it fall to a re-themeing sucks. It has nothing to do with what is replacing it, but rather another piece of classic Magic Kingdom that will be leaving us.
Having ridden this many times over the last 10 years, especially, it’s easy to see there are many missing characters/animatronics, broken animatronics, dark spots with dead lighting, missing audio and so forth.
The beginning of the ride sets the pace with one frog missing from the lily pad. Notoriously, Brer Rabbit jumping after Brer Bear gets trapped still isn’t working. The audio is completely gone.
The laughing place is in disrepair. There are no bees flying around the hives The water effects barely work. There is no jumping water, one turtle has no water effect, the other doesn’t raise with the water. Brer Fox holding Brer Rabbit, his mouth doesn’t move.
The water effect after the log goes down to the Briar Batch doesn’t splash upwards anymore.
The final scene is broken. The paddle boat doesn’t move up and down and the paddle doesn’t turn.
The animatronics around the edge of the boats half work. One of the fishing birds mouth doesn’t move and his one eye is half closed. The hen on the boat looks like she’s just frozen. No movement at all.
The Gator on Brer Foxs tail doesn’t move. The movement of Brer Fox and Brer Bear is so slow and quiet.
The lack of care for this ride is extremely disappointing. They are essentially just trying to keep the lights on until they kill it. The ride is no longer illuminated from the outside either.
It’s a truly sad way for this amazing and iconic ride to spend its final months before re-themeing it.
I wish there was a save this ride and bring it back up to the level it should be at. With this likely to be my last trip before it disappears forever, I’ll take what I can get so I can continue to remember the joy this ride has brought me and my family over the years.
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